Experts in navigating complexity

Our Services


We provide services to children, young adults, couples and families regarding mental health, behaviour concerns and social emotional wellbeing.


We offer a variety of validated and standardised assessments with comprehensive reports such as functional capacity and needs assessment.

Clinical Supervision

We provide clinical supervision for social workers, counsellors, youth workers and other Allied Health Professionals.

About Social Sense

Our goal is to empower people with the tools and strategies they need to meet their goals, no matter how complex. With the right support and guidance, you can take control of your life and make positive changes that leads to personal growth to achieve your goals. Our logo shows the brain is plastic and diverse, and each neurotype is valuable.

We use the latest therapy techniques that are evidence-based and effective. We also maintain our continuing professional development and highly value the lived experience of our clients. We are also committed to quality assurance, risk management and the health and safety of the people we work with.

Why Choose Social Sense

25+ Years Experience

Our combined knowledge, resources and skills build on your lived experience in a supportive and creative way.

A Personal Approach

Being person-centred means we work with you on what’s important to you. Small steps can lead to big changes in the right direction.

Experts in Complexity

You are more than a diagnosis or label. We offer holistic healthcare that starts where you are at and helps you unpack it all.

9 Benefits of Social Work

1.     Person-centred approach

Social Workers adapt their sessions to your individual needs and circumstances. We focus on your unique experience, what is important for you to have a meaningful life as well as enhancing your overall wellbeing.

4.     Co-produce the right tools

There is a lot of information out there around how to cope with different mental health issues. Social Workers can work with co-creating appropriate, evidence-based resources for your individual needs. Resources can be emailed to you after a session so you can practice at home.

7.      Help your mental health

Social Workers provide therapy and support for a range of mental health issues. Whether you are feeling a little low or experiencing a major life change, Social Workers are available to support you through your situation.

2.     Develop relationships

Relationship-building skills gained through therapy sessions can be utilised in other aspects of your everyday life. The skills you develop can help you improve and understand your interpersonal relationships at work, home and the community.

5.     Confidential and private

Ethical guidelines (AASW Code of Ethics) ensure that therapy sessions are private and confidential, creating a safe space to share your thoughts and feelings. Information is only shared with written consent or if there is a threat to your or other’s safety.

8.     Personal growth

Therapy often leads to increased self-awareness and personal growth by helping you see your experiences through a new perspective and giving you the tools to identify, respond and overcome challenges.

3.   Unbiased support

Social Workers are trained to provide an objective, non-judgemental environment where you can freely express any feeling or concerns to an empathetic ear. You are the author of your story and what issues are discussed at certain points in the therapy process.

6.     Personal autonomy

Therapy is a co-production of strategies and solutions between you and Social Worker. We can schedule sessions according to your needs, giving you control and flexibility. Strategies are tailored to you and you self-determine the pace of the therapy process based on feeling safe.

9.  Make sense of your experience

Talking and connecting is powerful. Just spending time talking about your experiences, life and how you feel, can help you resolve challenging thoughts and emotions. Social Workers provide information to help you process and understand your situation.

Our Location

Social Sense Allied Health is located in Abbotsford, Victoria.

Telehealth appointments are also available.