Mental Health

  • Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network - a network linking people across Australia concerned with the trauma, loss and grief experiences of children and adolescents.

  • Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN) - provides national leadership in the development of outcomes and casemix concepts in mental health.

  • beyondblue - the national depression initiative) - provides national leadership to increase community awareness, prevention and early intervention of depression and related illnesses.

  • Black Dog Institute - a not-for-profit, educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder.

  • Children of Parents with a Mental Illness - promotes better mental health outcomes for children whose parents have a mental illness.

  • Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD) - information and research on anxiety and depression for consumers and doctors.

  • headspace (National Youth Mental Health Foundation) - provides health advice, support and information to young Australians aged 12-25.

  • Head to Health helps you find Australian mental health resources.

  • healthdirect - provides a range of free health services on behalf of the governments of Australia.

  • Kids Help Line - provides a free 24 hour national telephone and online counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25 in Australia.

  • KidsMatter - supports mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention for children through universal, evidence-based primary school and early childhood programs.

  • Lifeline Australia - the peak body for Lifeline Centres which provide telephone counselling, and information, referral and associated services in local areas.

  • Living is for Everyone (LIFE) - suicide and self-harm prevention in Australia.

  • Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA) - builds awareness of mental health and suicide prevention amongst Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

  • Mental Health Professionals Network - supports collaboration in Australia's primary mental health sector by fostering local interdisciplinary networks of mental health professionals.

  • Mental health services in Australia - a website of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare providing information about the national response to the mental health care needs of Australians.

  • Mindframe National Media Initiative - information about suicide and mental illness and the portrayal of these issues in the news media and on stage and screen in Australia.

  • mindhealthconnect - national e-mental health online portal. Being archived November 2017.

  • MindMatters - the national mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention initiative for Australian secondary schools.

  • MindSpot clinic - telephone 1800 61 44 34 - a national clinic that provides free online and telephone assessment and treatment for Australian adults with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression.

  • National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) - a voluntary collaboration that brings together eating disorders stakeholders and experts in mental health, public health, health promotion, education, research and the media to help develop a nationally consistent approach to eating disorders in Australia.

  • National Mental Health Consumer and Carer Forum - the national voice for consumers and carers participating in the development of mental health policy and sector development in Australia.

  • - a youth mental health service providing practical tools, forums and information in a safe and anonymous online environment.

  • SANE forums - provide peer support for people living with a mental illness or related mental health issues, and for family, friends and other carers.

  • School, love sex relationships - resources for use in educational institutions about healthy relationships.

  • StigmaWatch - promotes accurate, respectful and sensitive reporting of mental illness and suicide in the media.

Eating Disorders

Educational Videos
