Clinical Services

  • Parent coaching

  • Sensory sensitivities and differences

  • Relationship issues

  • Family conflict and estrangement

  • Suicide and self-harm

  • Sexualised behaviours

  • Personality issues

  • Chronic pain

  • School refusal

  • Sleep problems

  • Behaviours of concern

  • Self-esteem

  • Body image

  • Trauma

  • Making friends

  • Social skills training

  • Separation anxiety

  • Depression

  • Emotional dysregulation

  • Identifying feelings

  • Anger

  • Neurodivergence coaching

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Executive functioning issues

  • Victim/survivor of violence

  • Planning, organising and task initiation

  • Grief and loss

We can provide services for children, teenagers and adults experiencing challenges with (diagnosis or not):

Mental Health Social Work (13yrs and over)

Social work is a tertiary qualified profession recognised internationally that pursues social justice and human rights. Social workers aim to enhance the quality of life of every member of society and empower them to develop their full potential. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversity are central to the profession, and are underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and Indigenous knowledges. Professional social workers consider the relationship between biological, psychological, social and cultural factors and how they influence a person’s health, wellbeing and development. Social workers work with individuals, families, groups and communities. They maintain a dual focus on improving human wellbeing; and identifying and addressing any external issues (known as systemic or structural issues) that detract from wellbeing, such as inequality, injustice and discrimination.

Mental health can generally be maintained with a good focus on your diet, exercise, sleep and relationships. However, there are times when you need new strategies or support to deal with what life throws at us. During our therapy, the guiding principles I follow are based upon current research and evidence. For me, creating safety is always the best form of treatment. Developing a sense of safety across our home, work and social lives is critical in maintaining our mental health and wellbeing. Metacognition, or thinking about your thoughts, is also important if they get you stuck. I work a lot with clients about anxiety, depression, self-esteem, boundaries, healthy relationships, stress, trauma, shame and blame, resilience and motivation to change.

I am also a strong believer in the mental health recovery model where you are the author of your recovery. You define what recovery means and when you get there. I provide support, guidance and expertise across a variety of issues you may have experienced in your life. We can have in-depth discussions in a non-judgemental or stigmatising way as we process together your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The therapeutic relationship is safe, confidential and structured in a way we can measure how you are progressing towards your treatment goals.

​Your body always keeps the score and your mind hears everything your body says. Interoception, or how you interpret your bodily sensations significantly affects your mood, decision-making, emotional literacy and sense of safety. I encourage body sensing and mapping techniques in therapy as this helps a person self-regulate and listen to their body. After 25+ years working in mental health, I have a broad range of resources and techniques in my therapeutic toolbox to help with what you are experiencing. My techniques are evidence-based cognitive, body or behaviour focused interventions.

Paediatric Social Work (0-12yrs)

As a paediatric social worker, we focus on the following issues to support prosocial behaviour and a person’s transition to independence:

  • Fostering emotional regulation: Helping children understand and manage their emotions in a healthy and constructive manner, fostering a sense of emotional balance and stability.

  • Enhancing social skills: Teaching children effective communication, empathy, and conflict resolution, enabling them to build meaningful and supportive relationships with peers and adults.

  • Promoting healthy attachment: Facilitating secure and nurturing bonds between children and their caregivers, laying the groundwork for positive and trusting relationships throughout their lives.

  • Building resilience: Guiding children in developing the ability to bounce back from adversity, teaching them coping mechanisms and problem-solving skills to navigate challenging situations with strength and determination.

  • Addressing behavioural challenges: Identifying and addressing behavioural issues such as aggression, impulsivity, or withdrawal, implementing tailored strategies to promote positive behavioural change and healthy patterns of interaction.

  • Coping strategies: Teaching children effective coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenging emotions, fostering a sense of emotional resilience and adaptability.

  • Self-esteem and self-confidence: Encouraging a positive self-image and fostering a strong sense of self-worth and confidence, empowering children to embrace their unique qualities and abilities.

  • Problem-solving abilities: Guiding children in developing critical thinking skills and problem-solving strategies, enabling them to approach challenges with a proactive and solution-oriented mindset.

  • Empathy and understanding: Cultivating empathy and compassion in children, helping them to understand and relate to the emotions and experiences of others, fostering a sense of kindness and connectedness.

  • Communication skills: Enhancing children's verbal and nonverbal communication abilities, enabling them to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs effectively, and fostering healthy and open communication with others.

  • Mindfulness and self-awareness: Introducing mindfulness techniques to help children develop a deeper awareness of their thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations, promoting a sense of mindfulness and self-reflection.

  • Growth mindset: Encouraging optimistic and positive thinking patterns, guiding children to focus on strengths and possibilities, and fostering a resilient and optimistic outlook on life's challenges.

“Both of my children aged 9yrs and 15yrs have seen Don this year. He has always been so approachable and easy for the kids to relate to. My son even looked forward to his sessions each fortnight to chat and learn from Don. Each session we took home strategies and real tools to help with current situations going on in their life. These strategies were very easy to implement and age appropriate. I personally recommend Don to anyone at any age who needs help with their mental health.”

— Client’s Parent

Experts in Complexity.