Assessments & Reports


Paediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT) is a clinical assessment for children and youth that can be used across all diagnoses, conditions, and settings. The PEDI-CAT is designed for use with infants, children, and youth (0-20 years of age) with a variety of physical, cognitive, and/or behavioural conditions. The PEDI-CAT Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (Third Edition) (ABAS3) is a validated tool which is used internationally to assess a person's (aged 0-89yrs) independent functioning across a range of areas, for example, home, school, community, health and safety and communication. A comprehensive report is provided with statistical data regarding the age and stage of the child or adult.The ABAS3 Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Developmental Profile (Fourth Edition) (DP4) which is a is a reliable and valid tool which is norm-referenced to assess an individual (aged 0-21yrs) across a variety of settings. The assessment includes feedback from the caregiver, educator and clinician to provide a detailed account of the individuals’ strengths and identify any areas of developmental delay. The DP4 Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) assesses sensory processing issues such as praxis and social participation in primary school aged children (2-12yrs). Sensory processing and integration of sensory inputs is a crucial neurobehavioural process that strongly affects development. The SPM Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Assessment reviews physiological, social, psychological and environmental aspects of experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event such as a car accident or assault. Avoidance, flashbacks, hyperarousal and mood are all assessed using a validated tool, the PTSD Checklist (Fifth Edition) (PCL5). 

Safe and Sound

Integrated Listening System (Safe and Sound) is an evidence based treatment to reduce sensory behaviour dysregulation and address social emotional communication difficulties. This treatment protocol for children and adults involves one hour a day for five consecutive days. The Safe and Sound Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Instrument for the Assessment and Classification of Support Needs (I-CAN6) is a validated tool (8yrs and over) covering 12 domains and is based on needs and the necessary supports to meet those needs. The report provided presents the clinical findings in a constructive and supportive way and includes recommendations for future treatment goals for caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


ParentAssess is a framework developed in 2016 for assessing parents who have learning disabilities and other additional needs (such as mental health, trauma or other parenting challenges) within childcare proceedings. It addresses both the emotional and practical aspects of parenting and seeks to identify both the strengths and concerns. The traffic light system means the assessment outcomes are measurable and easy to read.


Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief, 30-question test that helps healthcare professionals detect cognitive impairments from age 14-89 years. The MoCA measures executive functions and multiple cognitive domains such as memory, abstraction, calculation, attention, recall, fluency and visuoperception. The MoCA Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) assesses the mental health status of people aged 2-18yrs. The 25-item test covers five scales: emotional symptoms; conduct problems; hyperactivity/inattention/peer relationship problems; and prosocial behaviour. The report provided presents the clinical findings in a constructive and supportive way and includes recommendations for future treatment goals for caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Developmental Behaviour Checklist 2 (DBC2) assesses emotional and behavioural issues in children and adolescents (4-17yrs) and adults (18yrs+) who have intellectual and developmental disability. The 96-item test covers five domains: disruptive, self-absorbed, communication disturbance, anxiety/depression and social relating. The Developmental Behaviour Checklist Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS) reviews obsessions and compulsions and how they affect your functioning. The assessment also captures the gradual onset of symptoms and the time spent managing the symptoms Genetics, co-occurring conditions, medical history and behavioural observation and mental status are all considered. A report, aligned with the DSM5-TR criteria, is provided for your GP or specialist about the findings of the OCD assessment.


Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation (RISE) assesses three strengths (emotional balance, interpersonal skills and self-confidence) and six areas of risk (bullying/aggression, delinquency, eating and sleeping problems, sexual risk, substance abuse and suicide/self-harm). The RISK is for people aged 9-25yrs and the Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.


World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) is a practical, generic assessment instrument that can measure health and disability at population level. It measures: cognition understanding and communicating; mobility moving and getting around; self-care attending to one’s hygiene, dressing, eating and staying alone; getting along interacting with other people; and life activities domestic responsibilities, leisure, work and school.


Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA) looks at how well a person is able to do daily tasks at home, at work, and in the community. The purpose of functional assessment is to define the needs and objectives of an individual and how they can participate in the community. The Functional Capacity Assessment Report will also inform and guide ongoing interventions from caregivers, allied health professionals and educators.

*Please note: we can administer specific scales, questionnaires and tests such as the above, but please note we do not provide: letters, assessments or reports for family law or other legal purposes; testing and reports for an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis; ADHD assessments and reports; IQ testing; and other testing e.g. WISC, WPPSI, WIAT and WAIS.

Experts in Complexity.